In Person Herbal Ally Group


Term 4

Fridays: 10am -11am
21st October - 16th December
Cost: $135.00

In person at The Herbalist’s Cottage Kapiti.
Maximum 6 women (fully booked)


More people are becoming interested in being able to have control of their own health, with an interest to going back to a natural way of life. The Herbal Ally group follows the seasons and meets a herbal ally that is grown at The Herbalist's Cottage that you can learn to identify and practically use.

A herbal ally is any medicinal plant and one which you can form a close relationship with.

We follow the school terms and you get to come to my She Shed in Kapiti. You get to see the herbs growing at The Herbalist’s Cottage in season in my garden and, have a cup of herbal tea with other like minded women.

Due to space, ponds, and electric fencing there is no children sorry. Women only.

There will be some weeks where you can also make something to take home. A small cost may apply for materials, and you may be asked to bring some items eg jars and vodka if you wish to make a tincture.