Menopause Years
Menopause is classified when the woman has not had any periods for two years. It typically happens between the ages of 45 and 55 years with the average age for when menses finish is 51 years.
There are three phases of menopause. Perimenopause, Menopause and Post menopause.
Perimenopause is 2-8 years before the cessation of menses. During this phase menstruation cycles change. They can come closer together, or further apart, they can be heavier or even scant and a woman can still get pregnant. The more imbalanced a women’s hormones are then there is a higher chance that the woman may find perimenopause difficult.
The menopausal phase is the year or two before and after the last menstruation. Menopausal years can be very uncomfortable for some woman with hot flushes, night sweats, heart palpitations, emotional changes such as being volatile and sensitive, and insomnia are common in this phase. However, it does not have to be that way for all women. Simple diet, lifestyle and mindset changes as well as taking care of yourself can make a big difference.
The post-menopausal years are the years after a woman's menstrual periods have ceased completely until they die. A woman can find it a challenge to no longer tune into her own personal cycle. By learning to follow the seasons and moon phases she can begin to get a new rhythm into her life.
In India almost 80% of woman go through a “silent menopause”.
Woman can find the menopausal years some of the best years of their life as each woman starts to follow her truth and authentic self and begin to listen closer to her heart and soul. A woman during her menopausal years needs to be supported, not treated as if it is a very unnatural process. I offer an initial consultation to help support you make nutritional and lifestyle changes. We proceed gently at your pace to change habits in the diet, emotional work and moving your physical body.